Become a Member
We warmly welcome new members here at Painswick. Please feel free to visit the course at any time.
Why choose Painswick Golf Club?
Play on one of the most highly rated 18-hole courses in the world.
A full and exciting golfing and social calendar including regular competitions and events.
Highly competitive subscription rates.
Reduced fees for guests.
Ability to represent your club in team matches.
Reciprocal Arrangement with seven other golf courses.​
Flexible payment schedule (monthly or annually)
See more
Membership Rates
Interested in enjoying the benefits of membership?
Here are our subscription rates for 2024/5.

Please note: New 'Full 7 day' members are required to pay upfront for the first 6 months. Following this period, members are eligible to pay via a monthly standing order.
*Serving Forces membership is available to serving members of Ambulance Service, Fire & Emergency Service, Police, Armed Forces.
**Subject to terms and conditions.
Special affordability rates are in compliance with CASC guidelines. Full details and elilgibility are available on the application form.
Reciprocal Arrangement
Possessing a membership at Painswick Golf Club entitles you to play at the following golf clubs free of charge*
*Please note the following terms and conditions of this Reciprocal Arragement:
1. The tee time must be booked in advance stating that you are participating in the reciprocal arrangement scheme.
2. The tee times must be within the times allocated by the club in question.
3. You must obtain a letter from our club secretary confirming current membership, and provide a copy to the club you are visiting.
4. Booking may be subject to restrictions in size of party and number of times per year depending on the club in question.